Below are the slides of most of the recent talks that I gave.
- June 2024: Workshop RL4SN The bias of constant step size stochastic
approximation (via Stein’s method)
- June 2024: Sigmetrics 2024 Approximations to Study the Impact of the Service Discipline in Systems with Redundancy
- May 2024: Seminar at Inria Sophia Approximating the bias of stochastic processes
- September 2023: Seminar at EDF R\&D Mean-Field Control for Restless Bandits and Weakly Coupled MDPs
- September 2023: Seminar at Inria Paris ``8 days on Network Mathematics’’ Approximations for dynamics on graphs
- July 2023: Seminar at Cornell OREI Mean-Field Control for Restless Bandits and Weakly Coupled MDPs.
- June 2023: Bias of two timescale ``replicas’’ mean field approximation Informs APS. Nancy 2023.
- June 2023: What is optimality is time-average MDPs? MAMA workshop (ACM Sigmetrics 2023).
- May 2023: Online CNI seminar series Mean-Field Control for Restless Bandits and Weakly Coupled MDPs.
- April 2023: Seminar at Université Laval (Québec) The bias of mean field approximation.
- April 2023: Seminar at McGuill university (Montreal) How to Use Mean-Field Control for Restless Bandits and Weakly Coupled MDPs.
- Dec 2022: Seminar at Inria Paris Bias of fluid / mean field approximation:Poisson equation, averaging methods and two-timescale processes
- Oct 2022: Journée du GDR COSMOS / ANR NiceTweet Computing the bias of mean field approximation
- Sept 2022: DDQC (online workshop): Restless bandits, weakly coupled MDPs and LP relaxations
- July 2022: Atelier d’Évaluation de Performance (AEP 12, Grenoble): Restless Bandit Problems and Computation of Index Policies
- June 2022: Stochastic Network Conference (SNC 2022): The Bias of Mean Field Approximation
- January 2022: visite étudiant ENS Rennes à Grenoble Reinforcement learning and bandits: Exploration-Exploitation Tradeoffs
- October 2021: Polaris-Datamove seminar Exploration-Exploitation Tradeoffs: a Gentle Introduction
- May 2021: LIG WAX Stochastic Scheduling and Index Policies
- January 2021: Devenir chercheur à Inria: retour d’expérience
- January 2020: Defense of “HDR” (habilitation) Refinments of mean
field approximation. You can
also find the manuscript of my HDR.
- October 2019: How to use mean field approximation for 10 players.
Conference on Modelling Methods in Computer Systems, Networks and Bioinformatics
- August 2019: Tutorial on mean field and refined mean field approximation. ITC-31 2019
- June 2019: Stochastic Models for Bike Sharing SystemsJournée Thématique: Système de Véhicules en Libre Service (Univ. Paris Nanterre, France)
- April 2019: Mean field approximation for (relatively) small populations. Workshop NPCG 2019, IHP.
- December 2018: Congestion Avoidance in Low-Voltage Networks
Using Smart Meters. Workshop e-perf, Toulouse.
- December 2018: Tutorial on mean field and refined mean field approximation. YEQT 2018
- December 2018: Size Expansions of Mean Field Approximation: Transient and Steady-State Analysis. Conference IFIP Performance 2018. Paper
- June 2018: A Refined Mean Field Approximation. Sigmetrics 2018.
- Feb 2018: A Refined Mean Field Approximation, TU Eindhoven, Netherlands
- Sept 2017: Overview of the QUANTICOL project, EaPEC’17 Conference, Minsk
- July 2017: Expected Values Estimated via Mean-Field Approximation are 1/N-Accurate, Sigmetrics 2017, Urbana-Champaign, USA
- May 2017: Probabilistic forecasts for bike-sharing systems, QUANTICOL Industry-day, Lucca, Italy
- January 2017: Probabilités et Informatique: du modèle à l’algorithme (in French). Conférence à destination des professeurs d’ISN (Introduction aux Sciences du Numériques), Grenoble
- Oct 2016: On the use of mean-field models for performance evaluation, Seminar of the Institut Fourrier, Grenoble
- Sept 2016: Asymptotically Exact TTL-Approximations of the Cache Replacement Algorithms LRU(m) and h-LRU (ITC 2016)
- July 2016: Mean-field methods: what can go wrong? École d’été RO Jeunes Chercheurs 2016 - Optimisation et Décision en milieu Incertain, Grenoble 2016
- June 2016: Mean Field Approximation of Uncertain Stochastic Models, IEEE/IFIP DSN conference 2016.
- June 2016: Mean-field methods: what can go wrong? SFM 16: Quanticol summer school
- June 2016: Construction of Lyapunov functions via relative entropy with applications to caching ACM MAMA Workshop 2016
- May 2016: Asymptotic properties of bike-sharing systems SISCA workshop
- January 2016: Analysis and design of list-based cache replacement policies Polaris/DataMove seminar.
- June 2015: Transient and Steady-state Regime of a Family of List-based Cache Replacement Algorithms, ACM Sigmetrics 2015
- June 2015: The Power of Two Choices on Graphs: the Pair-Approximation is Accurate, MAMA Workshop 2015
- June 2015: Are Energy MarketS Efficients? The case of real and virtual storage, Workshop on the Mathematics of Demand Side Management and Energy Storage, The Open University, Walton Hall, Milton Keynes.
- May 2014: Mean-field Methods for Large Stochastic Systems (with application to bike-sharing systems), Nancy probability and statistic seminar.
- April 2015: Quanticol, mean-field and smart cities: building and analyzing models of bike sharing systems
- February 2015: Are Energy MarketS Efficients? The case of Real and virtual storage, Dagstuhl, Germany
- December 2014: Volatility in Real-Time Electricity Markets: efficiency or manipulation?, Séminaire G2ELab, Grenoble
- November 2014: Impact of Demand-Response on the Efficiency and Prices in Real-Time Electricity Markets, journée de rencontre du groupe de travail CNRS “COS” (contrôle optimal stochastique), Paris
- November 2014: Asymptotic properties of object-sharing systems, YEQT, Eindhoven
- June 2014: Impact of Demand-Response on the Efficiency and Prices in Real-Time Electricity Markets, e-Energy2014, Cambridge, UK.
- April 2014: Efficiency and Prices in Real-Time Electricity Markets, CASSTING workshop
- May 2013: Storage Management in Stochastic Power Grids, UC Berkeley, CA.
- May 2013: Impact of Storage on the Efficiency and Prices in Real-Time Electricity Markets, ACM e-Energy.
- May 2013: Impact of Storage on the Efficiency and Prices in Real-Time Electricity Markets, Séminaire ENS de Lyon / IXXI
- May 2013: Energy storage and real-time generation scheduling, Inria Grenoble, France
- April 2013: Quanticol Kick-off meeting, Edinbourgh University, Scotland
- March 2013: Stochastic Optimization and Control for Energy Management Internal Workshop DESL/LCA2.
- December 2012: Optimal storage policies with wind forecast uncertainties, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
- July 2012: Stochastic Analysis of Real and Virtual Energy Storage in the Smart Grid, ACM GreenMetrics
- January 2012: Mean field for Markov decision processes: from discrete to continuous optimization, workshop OCOQS
- December 2011: Sizing, Incentives and Redistribution in Bike-sharing Systems, Grenoble, France.
- November 2011: Sizing, Incentives and Regulations in Bike-sharing Systems Informs 2011 annual meeting, Charlotte, NC, USA.