Alvin's Homepage

Table of Contents

Welcome to my personal page!

Welcome. This page summarizes various professionnal and non-professionnal activities. I hope you'll find useful things in it.

Name and age:

My name is Arnaud Legrand and I'm 48.


I am a CNRS research director at the LIG. I used to work in the INRIA MESCAL project and I am now the leader of the INRIA POLARIS project since 2016. Since 2021, I am also a member of the Section 6 of the CoNRS.

I used to be a PhD. student at the LIP (Parallel Computing Lab.) located in the École normale supérieure de Lyon under the supervision of Yves Robert and Olivier Beaumont. I also made a postdoc at UC San Diego where I worked with Henri Casanova, Larry Carter and Jeanne Ferrante. Once I was even a Master intern there and I worked under the supervision of Henri Casanova and Fran Berman.

Here is my curriculum vitæ.

Research Interest:

My research targets the management (mostly from an algorithmic point of view, i.e., scheduling, load balancing, fairness, game theory….) and performance evaluation (in particular through simulation, visualization, statistical analysis, …) of large scale distributed computing infrastructures such as clusters, grids, desktop grids, volunteer computing platforms, clouds,… when used for scientific computing. In particular, I am one of the main developers of the SimGrid project.

Please check the corresponding page for more details.


Reading good books, snowboarding, longboarding, rollerskating, playing piano (both classical music and jazz, especially with my sons), hacking LaTeX, using org-mode and R, writing perl scripts… in short: kind of a geek :o)

Getting in touch with me

This section describes how to contact me, but please bear in mind that I do have a private life, involving a family and little kids. So, before you call me on my private line, reconsider the urgency of your request. Can't that wait until Monday? Isn't it possible to drop me an email instead? If we need to set up an audio or a physical meeting, you should check in my professional agenda first.


This is the much preferred way of communication (for professional contacts, I mean). Drop me an email, and you're sure you won't disturb me in any way. I'll deal with it as soon as I can. That's really the best for me.

My professional email is

Surface mail and physical meeting

On Campus (IMAG building, Room 432)

This is where I am most of the time.

LIG - Bâtiment IMAG
150 place du torrent
Domaine Universitaire
38401 St Martin d'Hères

Tél standard  :+33 (0)4 57 42 15 22

If you need to send me some mail, rather use this address:

LIG - Bâtiment IMAG
CS 40700


360 chemin du Mollard,
38660 Le Touvet,

In case of emergency

I often read my mails, so even if you are in a hurry, emails may be a good guess.


Please not before any other possibility failed.

  • Office: (+33/0) 4 57 42 15 22