Tutorial on Reproducible Research


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Today, I had the opportunity to give a tutorial on reproducible research at COMPAS, the Francophone conference on parallelism, architecture and operating systems. The purpose of this tutorial was to give an overview of current trends in reproducible research and to demonstrate that R/knitr are perfectly usable for doing reproducible analysis and that there is no more excuse for not doing it… I hope I achieved this goal. :)

Here are the slides. Enjoy!

For those of you who would like to see how I did the slides with org-mode, here are the sources.

First my uggly hack for pretty-printing using pygments:

cat /home/alegrand/Work/SimGrid/infra-songs/WP8/140422-compas-R101/Makefile
all: R101_pp.pdf

#R101.tex: R101.org
#	emacs -batch --eval "(setq enable-local-eval t)" --eval "(setq enable-local-variables t)" --eval "(setq org-export-babel-evaluate nil)" $^  --funcall org-latex-export-to-latex

R101_pp.tex: R101.tex
	echo '\def\\raggedright{}' > $@
	echo "\PassOptionsToPackage{svgnames}{xcolor}" >> $@
	sed -e 's/\\begin{verbatim}/\\begin{pyglist}[language=r,style=tango,bgcolor=Moccasin,numbers=left,numbersep=5pt]/' -e 's/\\end{verbatim}/\\end{pyglist}/' $< >> $@

R101_pp.pdf: R101_pp.tex
	pdflatex -shell-escape $<
#	bibtex `basename $< .tex`
	pdflatex -shell-escape $<
#	pdflatex -shell-escape $<

Then the sources (I have to rename to .txt to make sure my html exporter does not try to interprete it):

cp /home/alegrand/Work/SimGrid/infra-songs/WP8/140422-compas-R101/R101.org ./R101.txt
echo [[./R101.txt]]
