Panayotis Mertikopoulos
Short Bio
Content tagged with
[C95] Tamed Langevin sampling under weaker conditions
[C91] The computational complexity of finding second-order stationary points
[C90] What is the long-run distribution of stochastic gradient descent? A large deviations analysis
[C87] Riemannian stochastic optimization methods avoid strict saddle points
[J37] Distributed stochastic optimization with large delays
[C64] The limits of min-max optimization algorithms: Convergence to spurious non-critical sets
[C63] Zeroth-order non-convex learning via hierarchical dual averaging
[C62] Regret minimization in stochastic non-convex learning via a proximal-gradient approach
[J31] On the convergence of mirror descent beyond stochastic convex programming
[C60] On the almost sure convergence of stochastic gradient descent in non-convex problems
[C58] Online non-convex optimization with imperfect feedback
[J29] Hessian barrier algorithms for linearly constrained optimization problems
[C32] Stochastic mirror descent in variationally coherent optimization problems
tech tag lists
Wouter Beeftink