Panayotis Mertikopoulos
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[J46] Setwise coordinate descent for dual asynchronous decentralized optimization
[J35] Online reconfiguration of IoT applications in the Fog: The information-coordination trade-off
[C81] Pick your neighbor: Local Gauss-Southwell rule for fast asynchronous decentralized optimization
[C79] Online convex optimization in wireless networks and beyond: The feedback-performance trade-off
[J33] Robust power management via learning and game design
[C73] Fast routing under uncertainty: Adaptive learning in congestion games with exponential weights
[C68] Optimization in open networks via dual averaging
[J30] When is selfish routing bad? The price of anarchy in light and heavy traffic
[C45] Load-aware provisioning of IoT services on Fog computing platforms
[C43] Large-scale network utility maximization: Countering exponential growth with exponentiated gradients
[C42] A Fog-based framework for IoT service provisioning
[C36] A resource allocation framework for network slicing
[J20] Semi-cognitive radio networks: A novel dynamic spectrum sharing mechanism
[J19] Auction-based resource allocation in OpenFlow multi-tenant networks
[C34] The asymptotic behavior of the price of anarchy
[W2] Boltzmann meets Nash: Energy-efficient routing in optical networks under uncertainty
[J16] Power optimization in random wireless networks
[C21] A novel dynamic network architecture model based on stochastic geometry and game theory
[J10] Interference-based pricing for opportunistic multi-carrier cognitive radio systems
[J9] Energy-aware competitive power allocation for heterogeneous networks under QoS constraints
[J5] Distributed learning policies for power allocation in multiple access channels
[C7] Selfish Routing Revisited: Degeneracy, Evolution and Stochastic Fluctuations
[D2] Stochastic perturbations in game theory and applications to networks
[J1] Correlated anarchy in overlapping wireless networks
[C3] Vertical handover between wireless standards
[C2] Vertical handover between wireless service providers
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Wouter Beeftink