;;; This file contains the main canevas of each pages.
;;; License GPL.
;;; Authors: Arnaud Legrand, Martin Quinson

;;; You should define the tag <my-email> somewhere, because it's used here.
;;; For example, I've put the following in my customization.wml:
;;;  <define-tag my-email>Martin.Quinson@ens-lyon.fr</define-tag>

;;; You don't even have to load this file using a #include line, because
;;; banner do it for you.

;;; Misc tags ;;;

;;; <under_construction>: to mark a page as being under construction. be
;;;   carefull, it does not look that good, so use that only when actually
;;;   working on pages, for a few hours. 

;;; <date when="YYYY-MM-DD">: beautifull date output 

;;; Framing tags ;;;

;;; This file also defines two tags to make beautiful frames:
;;;  <frame> make a major frame on the page
;;;  <subframe> have other colors.

;;; Both take the following arguments:
;;;  title: 
;;;  note:  crappy text added to the right of the title
;;;  name:  adds an internal html ancor. So, you can build links directly to 
;;;         this frame (using the "#ancor" form).
;;;  toc="no": Don't register this frame to the TOC (see below)
;;;  expend="no": don't put spaces between letters in title

;;; TOC tags ;;; frames and subframes may be used to build a TOC. 

;;;  The compilation mecanism is quite the same than for LaTeX. You compile
;;;     your code one time, it builds a "aux" file containing the needed
;;;     info, and you recompile it to get the TOC right. 

;;;  Needed compilation args: -oAUX:.$(FILE).aux -oUNDEF:$(FILE).html

;;; <add-toc-entry ...>: add an entry to the toc. Args:
;;;    title: text to display
;;;    name: of the ancor (which will be placed automatically). If ommited,
;;;          a default value is computed
;;;    lvl: level. 1=>frame, 2=>subframe.

;;; <display-toc> 
;;;    file: basename of this wml file
;;;    maxlevel: maximal deep displayed

;;;  How does it works: man slice(1)

;;; TODO ;;;
;;; There is a lot of common code in the frame, subframe, and bib tags.
;;;       we should make an 'ancestor' to share it.

#use wml::std::tags
#use wml::Utils::perl

<set-var toc:_cnt=0 /> ;;; for automatic ancors
;;; tag add-toc-entry
<define-tag add-toc-entry>
  <preserve name title lvl /><set-var %attributes />
     <ifeq <get-var name /> "" 
       <group <increment toc:_cnt />
              <set-var name="l<get-var lvl />.<get-var toc:_cnt />" />
     <a id="<get-var name />"></a>
     [AUX:TOC##<get-var lvl />##<get-var name />##<get-var title />
  <restore name title lvl />

;;; tag display-toc
<define-tag display-toc>
  <preserve file maxlevel toc line parts />
  <set-var %attributes />

  ;;; test the args
  <ifeq <get-var file /> "" 
      <warning "Argument 'file' mandatory in tag 'display-toc'" />
      <exit 1 />
  <ifeq <get-var maxlevel /> "" 
      <warning "Argument 'maxlevel' mandatory in tag 'display-toc'" />
      <exit 1 />
  ;;; increment maxlevel because builtin gt is strict comparaison.
  <increment maxlevel />

  ;;; reads the aux file
  <if <file-exists ".<get-var file />.aux" />
      <set-var toc="<include ".<get-var file />.aux" />" />

  ;;; foreach line of the aux file
  <foreach line toc>
     <set-var parts="<subst-in-string <get-var line /> "##" "\n" />" />
     <ifeq <get-var parts[0] /> "TOC"
       ;;;maxlevel=<get-var maxlevel /> ; curlevel=<get-var parts[1] /> <br/>
       <if <gt <get-var maxlevel /> <get-var parts[1] /> />
         ;;; put some spaces
	 <set-var i=<get-var parts[1] /> />
         <while <gt <get-var i /> 1 />>   <decrement i /></while>
         ;;; put the entry
         <a href="#<get-var parts[2] />"><get-var parts[3] /></a><br/>;;;
  <restore file maxlevel toc line parts />

;;; tag frame and subframe

<define-tag drawframe endtag=required>
   <preserve title note name toc expend lvl mainclass gettext />
   <set-var %attributes />
   <ifeq "<get-var gettext />" "yes"  
      ;;; then
      <set-var title <_><get-var title /></_> />
   <div class="<get-var mainclass />">
    <div class="frameHeader">
     <div class="frameTitle">
;;; Take care of the TOC and ancors
       <ifneq <get-var toc /> "no"  
         ;;; then
	 <add-toc-entry title="<get-var title />"  
                        name="<get-var name />" lvl="<get-var lvl />" />
         ;;; else
         <if <get-var name /> 
            <group <a id="<get-var name />"></a> />
       <h<get-var lvl/>>
         my $tit;<perl:assign $tit><get-var title /></perl:assign>;
         my $not;<perl:assign $not><get-var note /></perl:assign>;
         my $expend;<perl:assign $expend><get-var expend /></perl:assign>
         $expend = $expend || "yes";
         if (  (defined($tit) && $tit =~ /\S/)
           ||(defined($not) && $not =~ /\S/)) {
           $string .= ($expend == "no" ? $tit : isotitlestring ($tit));
       </h<get-var lvl/>>
     <div class="frameNote">
         my $tit;<perl:assign $tit><_><get-var title /></_></perl:assign>;
         my $not;<perl:assign $not><get-var note /></perl:assign>;
         my $expend;<perl:assign $expend><get-var expend /></perl:assign>
         $expend = $expend || "yes";
         if (  (defined($tit) && $tit =~ /\S/)
           ||(defined($not) && $not =~ /\S/)) {
           $string .= ($not||" ");
     <div class="frameTitleEnd">
    <div class="frameContent">
  <restore title note name toc expend lvl mainclass gettext />

<define-tag frame endtag=required>
  <drawframe %attributes
;;;<attributes-quote %attributes /> 
        lvl="1" mainclass="frame">

<define-tag subframe endtag=required>
  <drawframe %attributes
%%%<attributes-quote %attributes /> 
	lvl="2" mainclass="subframe">

;;; Tag under_construction 
<define-tag under_construction endtag=none>
 <subframe title="UNDER CONSTRUCTION">
   <font color=red size=+4>I'm working on this page !! Come back soon !</font>

;;; Tag date
<define-tag date endtag=none>
  <preserve when />
  <set-var %attributes />
    my $str;<perl:assign $str><get-var when /></perl:assign>;
    if ($str =~ m/([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})/) {
	$str = "$3-$2-$1";
	$str =~ s|-|/|g;
  <restore when />