Below are the commands demonstrated during the lecture session plus some additional commands.
Disclaimer: the functions in the code below are defined most of the times without SPECIFICATION. Remember that defining a function always consists in giving its specification and then implementation.
type price = float (* >0 *)
type rate = int (* 1,2,…, 99 *)
let reducedPrice (p:price) (r:rate):price =
p -. (p *. (float_of_int r) /. 100.)
type family = Spade | Heart | Diamond | Club;; (* in French: pique, coeur, carreau, trefle *)
type color = White | Black;;
Spade = Heart;;
Spade < Heart;;
Spade != Heart;;
let colorFamily (f:family):color =
if (f=Spade || f = Club) then Black
else White ;;
colorFamily Spade ;;
Now using pattern matching
let colorFamily (f:family):color=
match f with
| Spade -> Black
| Club -> Black
| Diamond -> White
| Heart -> White
Note that it follows the type definition in the sense that it also ${\bf enumerates}$ the symbolic constants of the type. Moreover it is also exhaustive in the sense that all values are mentioned. Note however, that the order of "cases" does not necessarily follows the one of the type definition.
let colorFamily (f:family):color=
match f with
Spade | Club -> Black
| Heart | Diamond -> White ;;
let colorFamily (f:family):color =
match f with
Spade | Club -> Black
| _ -> White ;;
let colorFamily = function | Spade | Club -> Black
| _ -> White ;;
type painting =
| Blue
| Yellow
| Red ;;
A predicate determining whether a paint is $\texttt{Blue}$.
let is_blue (p : painting) : bool =
match p with
| Blue -> true
| Yellow -> false
| Red -> false
let is_blue2 (p : painting) : bool =
match p with
| Blue -> true
| _ -> false
let is_blue3 (p : painting) : bool = p=Blue ;;
is_blue Red ;;
let is_even (n : int) : bool =
match n with
| 0 -> true
| 1 -> false
| 2 -> true
| n -> if n mod 2 = 0 then true else false
type natural = int
let has_predecessor (n:natural):bool =
match n with 0 -> false | n -> true ;;
let has_predecessor2 (n:natural):bool =
match n with 0 -> false | _ -> true ;;
let has_predecessor3 (n:natural):bool = n > 0 ;;
let is_uppercase (c:char):bool =
match c with
'A'| 'B' | 'C' | 'D' | 'E' | 'F' | 'G' | 'H' | 'I' | 'J' | 'K' | 'L' | 'M'
| 'N' | 'O' | 'P' | 'R' | 'S' | 'T' | 'U' | 'V' | 'W' | 'X' | 'Y' | 'Z' -> true
| c -> false ;;
let is_uppercase (c:char):bool =
match c with
| 'A' .. 'Z' -> true
| c -> false ;;
is_uppercase 'N' ;;
is_uppercase 'm' ;;
let is_uppercase (c:char):bool =
match c with
| 'Z' .. 'A' -> true
| c -> false ;;
is_uppercase 'N' ;;
let is_less_than_100 (n:int):bool =
match n with
| 1 .. 100 -> true
| _ -> false ;;
let _ = ((1.0, 2),(3,4));;
(true, (3,4));;
(3.4 , 3.5, 3.6);;
((fst (1,2)), (snd(3,4)));;
fst (snd (1,(2,3)));;
snd (fst (1,(2,3)));;
fst (1,(2,3,4));;
let (x,y) = (3,2) in x + y ;;
let (a, _, c) = (10, 18, 91) in a + c ;;
let make_coord (x:float) (y:float) = x,y ;;
type pair_of_int = int*int ;;
let my_fst (p:pair_of_int):int = let (first_element,_) = p in first_element ;;
let swap (p:pair_of_int):pair_of_int =
let (the_first,the_second)=p in (the_second,the_first);;
let swap (p:pair_of_int):pair_of_int = (snd p,fst p) ;;
The above functions can actually be more general, as we shall see later when we will introduce polymorphism
let swap (x : 'a * 'b) : 'b * 'a =
(snd (x), fst (x));;
let swap (x : 'a * 'b) : 'b * 'a =
let (toto, tutu) = x in
(tutu, toto);;
let my_fst (x : 'a * 'b) : 'a =
let (toto, _ ) = x in (toto);;
type complex = float * float ;;
let conjugation (x : complex) : complex =
let (a,b) = x in (a, -. b );;
let conjugation (x : complex) : complex =
(fst (x), -. (snd (x)) );;
let _ = conjugation (1.0, 12.0);;
Let's practice more
type vect = float * float ;;
let sum (u : vect)(v : vect) : vect =
(fst (u) +. fst (v)), (snd (u) +. snd (v)) ;;
let sum (u : vect) (v : vect) : vect =
let (ux,uy) = u in
let (vx,vy) = v in
ux+.vx , uy +. vy ;;
let scalar_product (u : vect)(v : vect) : float =
let (ux,uy) = u in
let (vx,vy) = v in
ux *.vx +. uy *. vy ;;
type pt = float * float ;;
type figure =
| Circle of pt * float
| Triangle of pt * pt * pt
| Rectangle of pt * pt
let is_square (fig:figure):bool =
match fig with
| Circle (p,r) -> false
| Triangle (p1,p2,p3) -> false
| Rectangle (p1,p2) ->
let (p1x,p1y) = p1 and (p2x,p2y)=p2 in
let abs_float (x:float):float = if x < 0. then -. x else x in
let diffx = abs_float (p1x -. p2x) and diffy = abs_float (p1y -. p2y) in
diffx = diffy ;;
let is_square (fig:figure):bool =
match fig with
| Rectangle (p1,p2) -> (* note that, contrarily to standard tuples, here in a pattern matching, outer parentheses are mandatory *)
let (p1x,p1y) = p1 and (p2x,p2y)=p2 in
let abs_float (x:float):float = if x < 0. then -. x else x in
let diffx = abs_float (p1x -. p2x) and diffy = abs_float (p1y -. p2y) in
diffx = diffy
| _ -> false ;;
let is_square (fig:figure):bool =
match fig with
| Rectangle ((p1x,p1y),(p2x,p2y)) ->
let abs_float (x:float):float = if x < 0. then -. x else x in
let diffx = abs_float (p1x -. p2x) and diffy = abs_float (p1y -. p2y) in
diffx = diffy
| _ -> false ;;
let distance (p1:pt) (p2:pt):float =
let (p1x,p1y)=p1 and (p2x,p2y) = p2 in
let diffx = p1x -. p2x and diffy = p1y -. p2y in
sqrt ((diffx**2.)+.(diffy**2.)) ;;
let distance ((p1x,p1y):pt) ((p2x,p2y):pt):float =
let diffx = p1x -. p2x and diffy = p1y -. p2y in
sqrt ((diffx**2.)+.(diffy**2.)) ;;
let area (fig:figure):float =
match fig with
| Rectangle (p1,p2) -> let (p1x,p1y)=p1 and (p2x,p2y)=p2 in (sqrt (p1x-.p2x)**2.) *. (sqrt (p1y-.p2y)**2.)
| Triangle (p1, p2, p3) ->
let (p1x,p1y) = p1 and (p2x,p2y) = p2 and (p3x,p3y)= p3 in
let a = sqrt ( (p1x-.p2x)**2. +. (p1y -. p2y)**2.) and b = sqrt ((p2x-.p3x)**2. +. (p2y-.p3y)**2.) and c = sqrt ((p3x-.p1x)**2. +. (p3y -. p1y)**2.)**2. in
let s = 0.5 *. (a+.b+.c) in
sqrt (s*. (s-.a) *. (s-.b) *. (s-.c))
| Circle (p,r) -> let pi = 3.14 in pi*.(r**2.) ;;
let area2 (fig:figure):float =
match fig with
| Rectangle ((p1x,p1y),(p2x,p2y)) -> (sqrt (p1x-.p2x)**2.) *. (sqrt (p1y-.p2y)**2.)
| Triangle ((p1x,p1y),(p2x,p2y),(p3x,p3y)) ->
let a = sqrt ( (p1x-.p2x)**2. +. (p1y -. p2y)**2.) and b = sqrt ((p2x-.p3x)**2. +. (p2y-.p3y)**2.) and c = sqrt ((p3x-.p1x)**2. +. (p3y -. p1y)**2.)**2. in
let s = 0.5 *. (a+.b+.c) in
sqrt (s*. (s-.a) *. (s-.b) *. (s-.c))
| Circle (p,r) -> let pi = 3.14 in pi*.(r**2.) ;;
let p1 = 1.3, 2.0 and p0 = 0.0,0.0;;
let fig1 = Circle (p1,2.9) ;;
area fig1;;