DOCCA project : Design and Optimization of Collaborative Computing Architecture

[ Overview | Members | Documents | Bibliography ]

Project Overview

The DOCCA project aims at developing a peer-to-peer collaborative computing protocol with a strong emphasis on theoretical aspects of fairness issues and collaboration incentives. Our target system is a fully decentralized architecture, where desktops are both volunteers and clients (they can submit jobs).

Our objectives are:

  1. Leverage the pluridisciplinarity of the team to combine theoretical tools and metrics from the parallel computing community and from the network community, and to explore algorithmic and analytical solutions to the specific resource management problems of such systems.
  2. Design a P2P architecture based on the algorithms designed in the second step and to create a novel P2P collaborative computing system.

The expected results are :

  1. Provide user synthetic models to the scientific community that can be used as an input in modeling, simulation and experimentation of P2P collaborative computing systems.
  2. Provide optimal strategies and resource management algorithms in P2P collaborative computing.
  3. Design a decentralized protocol that implements the optimal strategies for the target user models.
  4. Implement a prototype and validate the approach on an experimental platform.

Members and Collaborators

Coordinator: Florence PERRONNIN


Derrick Kondo (Research scientist, INRIA)

